Vögtlin is a Swiss developer of precision flow instrumentation. Since 1986 we provide innovative high-quality products and solutions for your gas flow measuring and control tasks.
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High-precision Mass Flow Meter (MFM) and Mass Flow Controller (MFC) for Gases
Portable Battery Powered Digital Mass Flow Meter with optional Needle Valve
Multi-Parameter Mass Flow Meter & Mass Flow Controller for Gases
Capillary Mass Flow Meter (MFM) and Mass Flow Controller (MFC) for Gases
Thermal Mass Flow Meter and Mass Flow Controller with IP67 & Ex Protection
Pressure Controller for Gases with Integrated Flow Measurement
Compact and Economic Variable Area Flowmeters for Gases
High-precision Control Valves for fine Dosages of Gases & Liquids
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Vögtlin Instruments GmbH
gas flow technology
St. Jakob-Strasse 84
4132 Muttenz, Switzerland
Vögtlin Instruments GmbH
is a company of TASi Measurement
©2024 Vögtlin Instruments GmbH Switzerland · All rights reserved.