
Gas Flow Measuring, Controlling and Mixing – Optimize your Flow Application

Well suited to a wide range of applications, our digital mass flow meters and controllers will significantly optimize and simplify your process.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information or help with your application. Our mass flow specialists will find a solution for you.

Application examples

Markets & Industries

Mosquitoes love CO₂

Mosquitoes love CO₂

Contrary to popular belief, mosquitoes are not attracted to us because of “sweet blood.” Rather, mosquitoes detect humans, especially in the dark, through their breath and skin scents. They are...



In the near future, bioreactors will play a crucial role in food production, especially in the production of cultured meat and plant-based alternatives. These new technologies could revolutionise the way...

Coffee roasting

Coffee roasting

What makes good coffee? In addition to fresh ingredients and experienced specialists, the secret lies in the roasting of the coffee beans. Precise control of the gases used to heat the...

Shielding gases

Shielding gases

Welding, cutting and soldering with shielding gases are key processes in metalworking that require high precision and quality.

Ripening process

Ripening process

Ethylene is a natural plant hormone that plays a central role in the ripening process of fruit and vegetables. It is produced by the fruit itself and generates a chemical...

Gas sampling

Gas sampling

Gas sampling is the first step in the collection of data that guards process variables, monitors emissions and verifies that processes are running consistently.

Part inspection

Part inspection

In order to ensure consistent quality in the production of injection molded parts for engine construction, it must be ensured that there is perfect flow through the channels. The given test...

Spray dryers

Spray dryers

Spray drying is a method to produce a dry, fine (free flowing) powder from liquids, suspensions or emulsions. The process is widely used in pharmaceutical, food and chemical industries. Pharmaceutical...

Air sampler

Air sampler

To avoid the risk of microbial contamination, environmental monitoring in pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities is controlled through aseptic processing, comprising microbiological test methods. In order to guarantee proper functioning of these air...

Flame Control

Flame Control

To ensure consistent quality in pharmaceutical glass production, the flame pattern must be constant and uniform. This requires precise and accurate call-off of the gas dosing.

Measuring hydrogen consumption

Measuring hydrogen consumption

The Hydro2Motion team from Munich University of Applied Sciences is rocking the Shell Eco-marathon, a top competition for energy-efficient vehicles. Using hydrogen as fuel, they rely on the high-precision mass flow...

Low-E glass manufacturing

Low-E glass manufacturing

Low-E glass incorporates multiple layers of metal or other compounds as a surface coating that provides high transmittance for visible lights and high reflectance for mid-IR and far-IR lights. The coating...

Ice Cream Manufacturing

Ice Cream Manufacturing

What makes a good ice cream? Besides fresh ingredients and dedicated specialists, the secret lies in the air: In the production process air must feed into the paste at a...

Biotechnology – Bioreactors

Biotechnology – Bioreactors

Due to our experience we realize that most bio reactors are used for very critical and delicate processes where mass flow controllers need to be reliable, repeatable and flexible. The quantities...



As diamonds advance relationships, diamonds also advance technologies. These gems help engineers with electrical isolation, thermal conductivity, optics, cutting tools, electronics and a lot more. The share in sales value of...

Our mass flow devices are also ideal for:


329-2032_de_appMeasuring.pdfApplication Spotlight Gas Flow MeasuringApplication SpotlightsEN, DEEN, DE
329-2034_de_appControlling.pdfApplication Spotlight Gas Flow ControllingApplication SpotlightsEN, DEEN, DE
329-2035_de_appMixing.pdfApplication Spotlight Gas Flow MixingApplication SpotlightsEN, DEEN, DE
329-2037_de_appLocal.pdfApplication Spotlight Local Gas Consumption MeasurementApplication SpotlightsEN, DEEN, DE
329-2040_de_appCentral.pdfApplication Spotlight Centralized Gas Consumption MeasurementApplication SpotlightsEN, DEEN, DE
329-2042_de_appLeak.pdfApplication Spotlight Leak MeasurementApplication SpotlightsEN, DEEN, DE
329-2043_de_appFlamectrl.pdfApplication Spotlight Flame ControlApplication SpotlightsEN, DEEN, DE
329-2045_de_appAtmosphere.pdfApplication Spotlight Control of Gas AtmosphereApplication SpotlightsEN, DEEN, DE
329-2067_de_02supply.pdfApplication Spotlight Control of O2 SupplyApplication SpotlightsDE
329-2104_en_appbiotechnology.pdfApplication Spotlight Bio ReactorsApplication SpotlightsEN
329-2106_en_appgassampling.pdfApplication Spotlight Gas SamplingApplication SpotlightsEN
329-3063_de_applowgas.pdfApplication Spotlight Low Emission Glass Manufacturing (Low-E)Application SpotlightsEN, DEEN, DE
329-3065_de_appicecream.pdfApplication Spotlight Air Flow Control in Ice Cream ManufacturingApplication SpotlightsEN, DEEN, DE
329-3067_de_appspraydrying.pdfApplication Spotlight Digital Gas Flow Control for Spray DryersApplication SpotlightsEN, DEEN, DE
329-3071_de_appairsampler.pdfApplication Spotlight Air Sampler VerificationApplication SpotlightsEN, DEEN, DE
329-3075_de-appglassmanufacturing.pdfApplication Spotlight Pharmaceutical Vial ProductionApplication SpotlightsEN, DEEN, DE
329-3077_de_apppartsinspection.pdfApplication Spotlight Blowholes InspectionApplication SpotlightsEN, DEEN, DE
vi-pharma-leaflet-de.pdfApplication Flyer Pharmaceutical IndustryApplication SpotlightsEN, DEEN, DE