What are the delivery terms to Germany?

We can handle deliveries from Switzerland to Germany quickly and easily:

  • Goods are delivered duty paid
  • Shipping charges from Germany
  • Invoice in Euros

Delivery time
Our units are manufactured according to customers specifications. Depending on the product and the workload, it takes one to three weeks from order to delivery. Please contact the factory for the current delivery time. We deliver the products to Germany twice a week.
In urgent cases, individual express deliveries are possible. In that case, the carrier will invoice the German VAT (Value Added Tax) directly to the addressee.

Customs and value added tax
We deliver your goods duty paid and tax paid from Germany. We do not charge any administrative fee.

Shipping costs
We charge you shipping costs, which, thanks to bulk shipments, approximately the rates of the German Postal Service. Vögtlin Instruments GmbH pre-pays the costs for customs clearance.

You will receive an invoice in EUROS, including value added Tax. You pay the invoice amount to our account EURO-account at a Swiss bank (UBS).